Author(s): Mangalwadi, Vishal
Publisher: Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN 37214
Publish Date: 2011
Pages: 464
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Title: The Book that Made Your World: How the Bible Created the Soul of Western Civilization
ISBN: 1595553223, 978-1595553225
Main Topic: Apologetics
Secondary Topics: Bible, Christianity, culture, Western Civilization
Review: A small change in direction could have altered the Titanic's fate. Many are seeing the West headed towards catastrophe, but this highly readable, Eastern overview of our history, could reshape our future. — Dr. David L. McDonald, HealthTeams International.
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Author(s): Zacharias, Ravi
Publisher: Zondervan
Publish Date: 2008
Pages: 144
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Title: The End of Reason: A Response to the New Atheists
ISBN: 0310282519 , 978-0-310-2851-8
Main Topic: Apologetics
Secondary Topics: atheism, new atheism, apologetics
Review: The End of Reason is a short book that is mainly a critique of Sam Harris' two books, The End of Faith and Letter to a Christian Nation. If your interested in a more developed apologetic of general atheism, I would suggest Ravi Zacharias' other book, The Real Face of Atheism. In The End of Reason, Ravi Zacharias rebuts Sam Harris' happy atheism and his depiction of theism as a backward and dangerous belief system. Harris seems to forget that the 20th century was the bloodiest century in human history where the main players were atheists. For example, Mao Zedong was motivated by his scientific atheism. He bragged, "They are theists and we are atheists" (Mao Tsetung, Selected Readings from the Works of Mao Tsetung, Foreign Languages Press, Peking, China, 1971, p. 482). Stalin was another famous atheists responsible for killing millions. Adolph Hitler was no friend to Christians. For example, In the Diocese of Chelmno, where about 650 priests were installed before the war, only 3 percent were allowed to stay, the 97 percent of them were imprisoned, executed, or put into concentration camps. .. By January 1941 about 700 priests were killed, 3,000 were in prison or concentration camps. ... The Tribunal will recall, from the previous reading of this document, the imprisonment of 2,800 priests and lay brothers in Dachau alone from 1940 to 1945, of whom all but about 800 were dead by April 1945, including an auxiliary bishop. Trial of The Major War Criminals before The International Military Tribunal, Official Text in the English Language, Proceedings November 14-30, 1945, Nuremberg, Germany, 1947, Vol. IV, p. 518-9. The End of Reason is a worthwhile read.
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Author(s): Zacharias, Ravi
Publisher: Baker Books, Grand Rapid, MI
Publish Date: 2004
Pages: 192
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Title: Real Face of Atheism
ISBN: 0801065119, 978-0801065118
Main Topic: Apologetics
Secondary Topics: book, atheism
Review: This is an updated edition of A Shattered Visage: The Real Face of Atheism, that was published in 1990. Ravi Zacharias presents an excellent apologetic of truth and a defense of the Christian faith. Not only is it an intellectual defense against atheism, but it addresses the deepest questions of human purpose and meaning against the meaninglessness of life when atheism is taken to its logical conclusion.
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Author(s): Dembski, William A. and Jay W. Richards
Publisher: InterVarsity Press
Publish Date: 2001
Pages: 280
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Title: Unapologetic Apologetics
ISBN: 0-8308-1563-5, 978-0830815630
Main Topic: Apologetics
Secondary Topics:
Review: Unapologetic Apologetics: Meeting the Challenges of Theological Studies was an unexpected read for me. Amazon.com has FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. I had purchased a book on intelligent design and found that I needed to increase my order to over $25 to take advantage of their free shipping. So, I ordered Unapologetic Unapologetics on a whim, thinking it was in the same genre as the book on ID that I was in the process of purchasing.
Unapologetic Apologetics is very different. It challenges the naturalistic assumptions that are prevalent in many Christian seminaries that overturn the faith of many young seminary students. The authors argue for objective truth and against the fallacies of contextualization and naturalism that underlie much of the scholarship within today's seminaries.
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